

The Millefiori Milano iconic fragrances. Colours, elegance and surprising scented architectures that describe your world exactly as it is: unique.


Made in Italy


Wide range of fragrances


Suitable for any area in your home

More sustainable



Tips on how to optimise our fragrances with diffusers, sprays and refills.

Reed diffusers: classic and simple.

Before placing the reeds, remove the cap from the diffuser without affecting the foam ring on the neck of the bottle. Place the ceramic cap and insert all the reeds available in the package: each format has reeds in specific quantities and sizes for optimal diffusion of the fragrance. Remember to place the diffuser away from air currents and sources of heat or open flames and on a ceramic or glass base. For an extra touch of fragrance, you can turn the reeds upside down, taking care to wash your hands. Pay attention to surfaces: do not place the bottle, cap or reeds on fabrics or treated surfaces.

Room spray: Perfect for giving an instant scented touch.

Simply spray the desired amount into your spaces for a rich and immediate fragrance. Millefiori Milano fragrances must not be vaporized on fabrics and furniture but directly into the air.

Fragrance refills: the Millefiori Milano experience never ends.

Choose one of our fragrance refills to refill the diffuser once empty. Replace the reeds with a new set of reeds in the size suited to your diffuser for the optimal olfactory experience. Do not place the bottle, cap or reeds on treated fabrics or surfaces.